Something Bigger Than Work And Life

Reading Time: 1 minutes

At the stroke of midnight today, a good number of office workers in Singapore will either head to bed with disappointment etched in their mind or sleep grinning as they prepare for the work week ahead.

Some will walk into the office tomorrow with their shoulders shrugged, bemoaning the events that happened the night before. Some will spring into the office and look eagerly for any colleague willing to listen to proud stories of the epic conquest last night.

You can’t say the events that happen on weekends do not have a profound impact on an office worker’s mood and mindset for the week ahead. Because they do.

You can’t deny the fact that whatever happens tonight, some coworkers and maybe yourself will be affected. Because some will.

You can’t say anyone professional or matured enough should allow anything to interfere with his or work. Because there is more to life than just work.

Especially when all hearts and souls are involved. Not just tonight. Not just a year. But all their lives.

When you are together with millions across the world supporting the same cause, some say this is bigger than life.

When pride is at stake, everything changes. Some will bask in the glory of domination. Some will sink into the pits of humiliation.

At 10:00PM (+8 GMT) tonight, lives will be changed.

It’s bigger than work. And life.

It’s Manchester United at Anfield. #GGMU.

When I’m not at work, I’m into the arts, music and history. Football’s my other big love so if I’m not around museums and galleries, I’m probably on the field. If I still can’t be found, I’m having my me time.