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Archive for February, 2015

How To Find Success: Use The Copycat Principle

Is there a problem you’re trying to solve, challenge you’re trying to overcome, goal you’re striving to achieve, or an opportunity you’re trying to take advantage of? Sure there is, and for most of us, it’s all of those things. Related: 7 Vital Habits Of The Successful Professional In order to find success, you need […]

What’s My Brand? Why It’s Important To Know

When thinking of a company like Apple, immediately their brand comes to mind: imagination, creativity, and design. When thinking of Oprah, immediately things like openness, authenticity, and personal dialogue come to mind. And Nike? Athleticism and victory. Related: There’s No ‘I’ In Personal Brand Although those are globally known names and brands, each of us […]

6 Things Passion For Work Is NOT

Imagine a world where more people loved what they do for a living. Related: Why It’s Absolutely Necessary To Discover Your Passion People who are successful in building a brand all have at least one thing in common: They are have an expressed active passion for what they are doing. What Is Passion? Passion is […]

Why Completing A Job Application Isn’t A Waste Of Time

Each organization has its own hiring process and, for many, that includes completing a job application in addition to submitting a resume. Many job seekers don’t believe that completing a job application isn’t a waste of time. Filling one out can be frustrating and time consuming since no two applications seem to be alike, but […]

Should You Go Back To School? 4 Factors To Consider

Should you go back to school? Related: Is A College Degree Still Necessary? Before you commit your time, money, and effort, be sure to consider these four things – You won’t regret it! What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? If you haven’t figured out the answer to this question yet, going […]

The founders of Drybar tell the story of one of the most impressive employees they’ve ever had

Alli Webb and Michael Landeau At Drybar, after five short years, we have almost 3,000 employees, and we truly believe that our ability to find and hire the right folks is the single biggest factor that has contributed to our success so far. For us, it all starts with finding people who share our passion […]

Here’s exactly why your email is stressing you out so much

Flickr / Steve McFarland Respond now or later? The number of unread emails in my inbox recently reached an all-time high. As someone who typically maintains an “unread count” of about 30, and gets more joy from “inbox zero” than I’d like to admit — seeing “792″ when I arrived at work on Wednesday morning […]

Here’s the only way to have a real life outside of work

Please enable Javascript to watch this video How do you balance your professional life with your personal life? How do you focus on your family while putting as much energy into your career? Barbara Corcoran of ABC’s “Shark Tank” believes there is a large discrepancy in work-life balance for men and women. While it is […]

A CEO explains how to make yourself invaluable at your first job

Kara Goldin Kara Goldin is the founder and CEO of Hint Water. I agree when people say that regret is a waste of time; mistakes are inevitable and an invaluable part of the journey. That said, my years as an entrepreneur have provided me with so much insight and discovery — I would be lying […]

Here’s how to answer 31 tough interview questions

Flickr / Brian Talbot You’ll want to be prepared. Some job interviewers ask tough questions to trip you up or to get you to reveal information you may be trying to conceal. Others want to get a better sense of your thought process or see how you respond under pressure. Whatever the reason, you’ll want […]

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Monday, March 9th, 2015


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