INFP – Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving
In case you still have no idea what this is about, INFP is one of the 16 personality profiles outlined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. INFP personalities make up just a small fraction, ~4%, of the population. Being true idealists and dreamers,…
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Daily Archives: August 12, 2015
One CEO shares his favorite trick for achieving goals in your 20s
Jacquelyn Smith/Business Insider
Try this — it can help.
Setting and achieving goals can feel extremely overwhelming — especially for recent college grads.
But there are ways to make the process less daunting.
Kevin E. Lofton, CEO of Catholic Health Initiatives, a nonprofit, faith-based health system, has a trick.
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10 Jobs That Can Keep You Fit
Feeling sluggish at work? Want a new job that keeps you on your toes while earning a paycheck? With so many employees glued to their desks and laptops, there are some jobs that can help you stay active, and even shed a few calories while on the clock.
In no…
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