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Job Search

3 Tips For Staying Positive During A Holiday Job Search

Don’t let your employment status dictate how much you enjoy the holidays. This is a time for happiness, family and friends, and delicious food! I mean, c’mon, there’s no reason why your job search should interfere with Grandma’s famous pumpkin pie.

Related: 5 Secrets To Staying Upbeat In A Job Search

But it can be hard to stay positive during the holidays when those aunts and uncles are nagging you about your job search and old friends are asking what you’re doing for work these days. It can be so tempting to completely remove yourself from holiday festivities so you don’t have to experience that agonizing awkwardness of answering the same dreaded questions over and over again.

Don’t let your insecurities ruin the most wonderful time of the year. Here are my three tips for staying positive during your holiday job search:

1. Don’t allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself.

Don’t allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself. You don’t have time for that nonsense! You’ve got to bake cookies, play with your dog, and sip hot cocoa with your family.

Whenever you start feeling worn down from the stress or start feeling bad for yourself, do something productive. You could make yourself a structured job search plan that incorporates S.M.A.R.T Goals (click here to learn how to create S.M.A.R.T Goals for your job search) or research companies you’re interested in.

Or, you could do something that’s not related to your job search at all - You can hit the gym, take a walk outside to get some fresh air and sunshine, or you can indulge in a good book for 30 minutes. Don’t feel guilty for doing these things - they’re necessary for your mental and physical health. These are two things you can’t neglect, especially during a job search.

2. Focus on what you’re excited about.

When someone asks you, “How’s the job search going?” Don’t focus on the negative. Remember, you have the power to control the tone of this conversation. If you focus on your lack of success, how many interviews you haven’t gotten or how many companies didn’t call you back, you’re not only going to make the conversation awkward for both of you, but you’re going to feel awful about yourself.

Instead, tell them about a few companies and opportunities you’re excited about. Focus on your little wins like having a great informational interview with someone from one of your target companies. Convey your enthusiasm for finding a new opportunity. It’ll make you feel uplifted, and it gives you the opportunity to talk about your job search in a positive way.

3. Laugh, dance, and be merry!

What makes you laugh out loud, even when no one is in the room? What songs make you want to get up and dance, even when people are looking? Find those little things that make you happy, and pepper them in throughout your day. There’s honestly nothing better than a good laugh. Distract yourself with positivity - and don’t feel bad about taking a “Happy Break” every once and awhile. It will help keep you in balance.

Related Posts

6 Ways To Deal With Family Asking About Your Job Search
13 Holiday Networking Tips You Need To Know
3 Quick Strategies For A Thriving Job Search During The Holidays


Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The post 3 Tips For Staying Positive During A Holiday Job Search appeared first on CAREEREALISM.

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