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Job Search

What are the best ways to score a job interview using social media?



This question originally appeared on Quora.

What is the best way to network through Facebook and Linkedin to secure a job interview?

Answer below by Quora user Hunter R Peress, entrepreneur.

First, forget about Facebook, unless you have thousands of friends — but even then, it is not a work-oriented network.

I believe that in-person networking is the most effective way. Then make sure to ‘Link-in’ with everyone you meet, as sometimes second-degree connections will be willing to further discuss potential jobs.

Answer below by Kathleen Smith, CMO of ClearedJobs.Net.

With the goal of securing an interview through social media, you have to know the social media of choice for the recruiter that is controlling that job interviewEach company and recruiter has different methodologies for finding candidates and securing them for an interview. For each ad, there is not necessarily a sign that says, “For this job opening, contact recruiter X through this social media platform.” Read more…

More about Job Interview, Job Search Series, Business, Jobs, and Mashable Careers

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