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Work Smarter Not Harder: 17 Great Tips

Originally posted on TIME:

In Dan Pink’s Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself he closes the book with a long, excellent list of “Work Smarter Not Harder” type advice for people who want to start working for themselves.

Frankly, the list is so good I think everyone would benefit from it.

Below are my favorites. I’ve included links to research and prior posts backing Dan’s advice.

via Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself:

  • Make a “to don’t” list. Another gem from the inimitable Tom Peters. Prepare a list that contains all the things you shouldn’t waste your time on – useless tasks, unnecessary meetings, worthless phone calls, and so on. Then place it next to your “to do” list – and stick to it. (More here.)
  • Carry a notebook and pen. Thomas Edison did it. Virginia Woolf did it. And so did Charles Darwin…

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