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Career, Job Search

5 Signs It’s Time To Leave Your Desk Job And The 5 Steps You Should Take To Prepare To Leave

Originally posted on Thought Catalog:

Photo by Craig Maltby

I know what you’re thinking. I didn’t know gold-diggers had to work real jobs. Well, to be honest most of them don’t. However, I enjoyed being in charge of my sustenance and worked a full-time 10-to-7 job at a luxury fitness club (spoiler alert, I hated it!). I worked this job just long enough until I successfully figured out a way to purse what I really wanted to do: Writing.

5 Signs You Know It’s Time To Leave Your Desk Job

1. They have your body but they don’t have your mind

My physical self was at the desk, in the chair, but my head was all over the place. I was thinking about what I could be doing, what I wanted to be doing, and what I should be doing.

2. You’re bringing others around you down

I worked a job where my performance directly…

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