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In search of a neighbourhood cafe comes Percolate

Originally posted on I fancy Autumn, Coffee & Plane Ride Adventures:

Coffee is my best cheap thrill. One could catch me grinning cheerfully when I chance upon a cafe that is hiding like a gem, waiting to be found (when you yourself gets lost, lol). I would then have the itch to go in and try what they offer, regardless if I am already full from a certain binge. If not accidentally finding a cafe, you would see me typing in “neighbourhood” “cafe” “hidden” “cafe” “best” “secret” “cafe” to Mr. Google.

Where we reside, there are very few cafes within the vicinity that is a.) not Starbucks b.) not a Kopi place c.) not another-commercial-cafe. And so, in my search for that possible go to coffee nook, I stumbled upon one named Percolate.

I am sucker for anything quaint and rustic so when I saw the place right after we alighted the bus (Percolate is just a bus ride away from…

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