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Rabbit Owl Depot and Twenty Grammes, Two Additional Ice Cream Palours Along North Bridge Road

Originally posted on NAHMJ:

Within the same week, two Ice Cream Palours along North Bridge Road started welcoming patrons; Rabbit Owl Depot and Twenty Grammes.

Rabbit Owl Depot

420 North Bridge Road #01-06 Singapore 188727
Tel: +65 6336 4075

Opening Hours
Daily 1200 to 2200

FB: https://www.facebook.com/rabbitowldepot


Rabbit Owl Depot, an ice cream palour, considerably tiny is nestled opposite National Library. The highlights is of course ice cream. For the rest of the food offered, click here.

There are many owl ornaments and a few rabbits were placed nicely throughout the cafe. And they have rabbits customized chairs too. Since it is a depot, Rabbit Owl Depot serves their ice cream out of a yellow container.

Snowflake Waffle with double scoop (Earl Grey and Coconut)

After trying three flavours from the dozen or more selection, I ordered a Snowflake Waffle set which comes with a scoop of ice cream and an additional scoop. I have the Earl Grey…

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