
Archive for October 17, 2014

5 Email Rules That Will Change Your Life

Originally posted on TIME:

This post is in partnership with Inc., which offers useful advice, resources and insights to entrepreneurs and business owners. The article below was originally published at Inc.com.

It might be one of the least sexy skills on the planet, but the ability to weave a flawless email is an enviable trait. Because so much of communication is derived from nonverbal cues such as body language, an effectively-written email is particularly important: without those nonverbal cues, emails can so easily get misinterpreted, at best leading to minor misunderstandings, and at worst, derailing important business projects.

Depending on what type of job you hold, email etiquette can vary significantly. In many corporate cultures, the tone is formal and messages are very matter-of-fact, whereas other companies are accustomed to informal interactions involving smiley faces and cute “xoxo” sign-offs. But wherever where you work, one thing remains the same: your email manners matter.

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8 Simple Ways To Leave Your Mark On This World

Originally posted on Thought Catalog:

We don’t need to be famous to leave a mark on this world. Most of the time, we are unaware that we are constantly influencing people around us.

1) Enjoy life’s simplicity.

How many times do we feel like life is too complicated? The better question to ask is, how many times do we tend to complicate things? If we actually took the time to look outside our busy lives and relax, we would notice how simple and beautiful everything is. Take a nice stroll at the park. Hear the sound of the birds chirping. Lie on the beach and watch the sunrise or sunset. Smell the flowers. Feel the breeze. Laugh. Take the time out of each day to enjoy life’s simplicity.

2) Follow your passions.

Life is too short to be doing things that don’t make you happy, so why do something…

View original 638 more words

These 10 Cool Offices Will Make You Want to Go to Work

Some companies like Google and Facebook come to mind when you think of cool office spaces, but more and more companies are adding their own twists to the traditional workplace with cozy kitchens and complete gyms. These amenities help foster a unique company culture that builds close-knit teams and promotes healthy work-life balance no matter what the business does.

Through photos shared by employees on Glassdoor or via the Glassdoor apps, see what these 10 companies have that will make you wish you worked there.

1. Zappos introduced a UFO-shaped conference room in the center of its courtyard that can be booked for meetings. More Zappos photos.

2. HomeAway, an online vacation marketplace headquartered in Austin, TX, built its own miniature roof with a hammock for working and relaxing. More HomeAway photos.

3. Starbucks brings Seattle-based employees together with a homey, full-service cafeteria. More Starbucks photos.

4. Salesforce.com boasts a colorful kitchen with various sitting areas and coffee and food options. More Salesforce.com photos.

5. Hubspot, headquartered in Cambridge, MA, uses modern design to attract its employees to a new lounge. More Hubspot photos.

6. JustFab, a lifestyle fashion company headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, has an in-house photo studio where employees capture images for their online community. More JustFab photos.

7. Ogilvy & Mather, an advertising agency, provides a gym for its employees. More Ogilvy & Mather photos.

8. Oracle promotes healthy living with an in-house basketball and volleyball court. More Oracle photos.

9. Groupon uses themed spaces, such as a Tiki room, to spark creativity. More Groupon photos.

10. Red Door Interactive, a strategic partnering firm, has an open floor plan for employees to work, eat and play. More Red Door Interactive photos.

Want more cool office spaces? Check out Glassdoor’s 2013 list to see which companies made the cut.

What’s your office like? Share a photo or download Glassdoor’s apps to easily share on the go!

These 10 Cool Offices Will Make You Want to Go to Work is a post from: Glassdoor Blog

from Glassdoor Blog http://ift.tt/1FbKcia
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Avoid These 7 Deadly Resume Mistakes

Every job seeker knows the importance of writing a quality resume.

Quality resumes are error-free, illustrate your accomplishments, and are targeted to the employer. While most job seekers follow these guidelines, there are some mistakes that are easily overlooked when writing a resume.

If you feel like your resume is perfect but you still haven’t received any job interviews, here are six deadly resume mistakes you’re probably making:

1. Wrong tense.

When talking about previous experience, use the past tense. When talking about your current position, use the present tense. Seems easy, right? While this seems like a simple grammar fix, it’s a mistake many job seekers make on their resumes.

As you proofread your resume, pay close attention to the tense of your writing. Read your resume aloud multiple times and think about the verb tense you use for each section. You might be surprised at the mistakes you find.

2. Poor word choice.

Another common mistake is poor word choice. As you proofread your resume, be aware of the words you use to describe your experience and watch out for homophones (words that sound alike but are spelled differently).

For example, be aware of words like “to, two, and two”, “affected and effected”, and “their, there, and they’re.” Checking for this common mistake can prevent your resume from going in the trash.

Also, remember to use specific words on your resume. Avoid using vague words such as “many, varied, or some.” For example, instead of saying “improved company profits,” change it to “increased company profits by X dollars.” As you can tell, by changing “improved” to “increased,” you create more impact with your statement.

3. No links to social media profiles.

If you’re not on LinkedIn or don’t have a digital portfolio, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to impress employers.

To make your resume stand out, it’s essential to include links to your social media profiles. URLs for your LinkedIn or Twitter accounts can be placed in the header of your resume following your contact information.

4. Putting your skills section last.

Every resume must have a skills section. However, what’s even more important to remember is the placement of your skills section.

The skills section of your resume should be the first thing employers read. When you write your skills section, target your skills towards the qualifications for the position. This will help your resume stand out from other applications.

5. Unnecessary details.

Employers don’t care about every job you’ve had in your entire life. They only care about the experience you have that pertains to the position you’re applying for.

For example, if you’re applying for your first entry-level job after college, don’t include your extra-curricular activities from high school or the babysitting jobs you had in college. Employers only want to learn about the jobs you had that will make you a great fit for the position.

6. Sharing too much information.

Your resume isn’t meant to be your life history. Don’t include information regarding your religion, marital status, hobbies unrelated to your job, or how many children you have. These are details that should stay out of the application and interview process during your job search.

What are some other deadly resume mistakes job seekers should avoid?

Avoid These 7 Deadly Resume Mistakes is a post from: Glassdoor Blog

from Glassdoor Blog http://ift.tt/11CG2jS
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3 Steps To Bring Passion With You to Work

A fan questioned Mike Rowe of “Dirty Jobs” on why he said that “follow your passion” was the worst advice he’d ever received. A snippet of Rowe’s response follows:

“… I would never advise anyone to ‘follow their passion’ until I understand who they are, what they want, and why they want it. Even then, I’d be cautious. Passion is too important to be without, but too fickle to be guided by. Which is why I’m more inclined to say, ‘Don’t Follow Your Passion, But Always Bring it With You.’”

The distinction between “bringing” versus “following” your passion is striking. Some long-term careerists feel the “passion” ship has sailed. Other early careerists may be unclear how to convert passion into paying their bills. So, following something as nebulous as “passion” can be daunting and perhaps, if followed blindly, even damaging to your career and financial future.

However, conveying passion in whatever job you are doing can be cultivating, at any stage of your career, and even, may lead you to achieve your eventual passion goals.

Following are three things you can start doing today to bring passion with you to work:

1. Impassion your conversations.

Whether connecting with the colleague cubicled next to you, having a tête-à-tête with your supervisor, or dialing up your customer, bring it! Sit up straight, curl up the corners of your lips (even if you have to initially ‘fake it’), take a deep breath and exude a positive tone and energy, including voice inflection and personality!

It is amazing what one energized vibe being transported over the airwaves to another person, whose mood may need the jumpstart, can do to generate a rolling energy burst! And remember the adage, what you give, you get? While you may initially feel disingenuous in your positivity, a sudden shift likely will occur as the energy you pushed out surges back into your sphere, back to you!

2. Go the extra mile.

Whether your options to over-deliver include early-delivering a report to your boss, implementing a solution to a team problem before it is a known issue, or helping a languishing co-worker surmount a hurdle, just do it. Getting lax in your demeanor because you feel uninspired, underappreciated and/or bored, can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The less you exude enthusiasm, the less passion exists all around. Do not depend on outside forces—or other people-to inspire you. Be the one to bring passion to the table, to motivate others around you-and you may be surprised at the reverberating results.

3. Show a little leg.

Recognizing that you may do all this and still feel underwhelmed in your current job, here is something you can do to tap into, and convey, your personal passion. Show a little leg from time to time by seeking out and/or recognizing opportunities to demonstrate your passion-imbued talent.

For example, if you are a soft drink salesperson keen to write, offer to contribute to the company blog. If your offer is well received, then vigorously author their next blog, incorporating your voice and flair while keeping true to the company’s content goals and platform.

When you spot and act upon opportunities to display your aptitude in areas that not only help the company achieve their objectives, but also inspire you, you are more likely to accrue a reputation—and resume—that qualifies you to move up and out and follow your dream!

3 Steps To Bring Passion With You to Work is a post from: Glassdoor Blog

from Glassdoor Blog http://ift.tt/11CdM0O
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Ah Bong’s Italian At Tiong Bahru

Originally posted on NAHMJ:

Tiong Bahru is getting all the variety it requires. The addition is Ah Bong’s Italian, operated at a corner of a very old cornered coffee shop bringing Italian pasta to the vicinity. Located on the right (at the next block) of Kisses Bakery (for those who know this bakery). If I remember correctly, it was occupied by a Vegetarian Mee Hoon stall previously

During lunch hour

Ah Bong Italian is the second Italian stall, after Savis Food, operating out of non-aircon enivornment that I tried within the same month, October.

Menu Board

Ah Bong’s Italian has a limited menu but the dishes prepared in the stall is very unique. The menu is change at some interval, check Ah Bong’s Facebook page for the update. There were four pasta choices for selection and one dessert. I won’t missed out the dessert that’s for sure. As for the pasta, the chef mentioned that for…

View original 313 more words

My #1 Secret For Building Your Network

We’re all busy. In fact, many people these days think that if you aren’t busy, you’re boring. So, you’re always on the go – commuting to work, meeting a friend, going to the gym, planning birthday parties, squeezing family time in somewhere, catching up on your favorite shows… the list goes on!

Related: 4 Ways To Take Ownership Of Your Career

In all of your busy-ness, you probably don’t set aside too much time for networking. You might think, “Who has TIME to network?” Uh, you do - if you want to take control of your career!

Before you call me crazy, hear me out. Think about your typical day for a second. How much time to you spend playing on your phone? WHEN do you find yourself playing on your phone? It could be waiting for the bus, during the commercials of your favorite TV show, or while you’re sweatin’ it up on the elliptical machine.

Just think: If you spent that time networking instead of playing Candy Crush or Bubble Shooter, you could be on your way to a new job or more clients!

(If you’ve read any of our articles for the Professional Independence Project, you know why this is so important for your business-of-one!)

When you only have 5-10 minutes a day to spare, you need to use it wisely. So, what’s my #1 secret for building your network?

Tweet your heart out

I love Twitter. I think it’s one of the best networking tools out there, honestly. You can tweet almost anyone you’d like and it requires minimal effort.

One thing I like to do when I’m taking a walk break on the treadmill is to cruise through my feed and follow people who brand themselves as experts or influencers in my field. If I like what they’re all about, I reach out to them somehow –whether it’s a tweet or a LinkedIn request – and start a conversation.

Avoid looking like a creepy stalker person by explaining yourself. Tell them why you’re reaching out right up front. Do you enjoy their articles? Do you find their insight refreshing? Tell them. Then, retweet their stuff, send them a personalized LinkedIn invitation, and start a real conversation.

#Fearless #EasyAsPie #Hashtags

So, start following people who share your interests, tweeting at ‘em, and embracing hashtags (you know you want to!).


Tweet, tweet!

Want to become a master networker? Try Mingle!

Do you want to be a better networker? Check out our Mingle virtual networking events! They’re free, easy, and fun! To learn more about Mingle events, please click here. Click the button below to register for our next event.

Mingle is sponsored by Brazen Careerist. Learn more about Brazen Careerist and its virtual networking technology here.



Denys Prykhodov / Shutterstock.com

The post My #1 Secret For Building Your Network appeared first on CAREEREALISM.

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3 Irresistible Resume Tweaks That Will Get You The Job

I’ll never forget the disgusting feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realized I wasn’t going to get the job.

Related: The Intriguing Truth About Your Dream Job

I had put all of my energy and focus into getting it. I was counting on it.

And now, I was left wondering where I went wrong.

Was it my resume? My interview? Was it me?

Here’s the thing: We only get one shot at making a great first impression.

And the truth was, I didn’t nail that first impression when I needed to.

Fortunately, I learned my lesson and got an AMAZING job months later…

And now I’d like to give you my secret to getting the attention of a great employer, and getting the job…

How To Make Yourself Irresistible To Employers

It’s all about presentation, right? About making a GREAT first impression?

And the truth is that a boring, traditional, resume simply doesn’t do that.

(Here’s a free resource that’ll help you out with this, by the way.)

The 3 Irresistible Resume Tweaks

Employers and recruiters see different versions of the same thing over and over…

So, if you want to stand out from the crowd and get your dream job, then you can’t be afraid to be different. Here’s how:

1. Show The Proof

Think of it this way: Your job, and the purpose of your resume is to attract the employer and convince them to hire you.

So, you’re essentially selling yourself as the best candidate.

And one of the most powerful factors when you’re selling something is credible testimonials.

They could be from past employers, peers, mentors, or teachers. And they’re a great way to show your character and ability to perform.

LinkedIn recommendations make it super easy to gather these testimonials. So, consider reaching out to some credible people in your network and offering to give them a testimonial.

Odds are, they’ll give you one back as well.

2. Get Online

It’s never been easier than it is today to stand out online.

The best part is, you don’t need to be tech savvy. In fact, many of the resources you’ll find here only require the ability to type.

We all know that the first thing many employers do when you apply is Google your name.

And what if what they found “wowed” them so much you were immediately shortlisted?

Or - what if your entire resume and cover letter were online… showcasing your skills and experience in a unique and authentic way…

…That also proves you’re “with the times.”

Using any of the online resources here is a GREAT way to stand out from the crowd and increase your odds of getting hired.

3. Show ‘Em The Numbers

I like to encourage people to find their dream job with a company that makes a profit as well as a difference in the world…

And treats their employees like human beings rather than human resources.

As important as it is to do good - the other half of that equation is being profitable so they can stay in business. And that means hiring employees that will earn the business more money than they cost.

You’re an investment for them, and an easy way to stand out right from the beginning is to show them the numbers.

Give them tangible examples of results you’ve achieved in your career, so that it makes it easy for them to see you’ll contribute to their bottom line.

Maybe you created a marketing campaign that paid for your annual salary in a week or two.

Maybe you helped increase productivity or cut costs.

Find some way to prove that you’re worth the money, and you’ll be on track to get your dream job.

So remember, you can significantly increase your odds of getting hired by using testimonials, showcasing yourself online, and using numbers to show your value.

Happy job hunting!

Related Posts

Why You Shouldn’t Write A ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Resume
How To Mention Unrelated Work Experience On Your Resume
3 Ways To Emphasize Your ROI On Your Resume

About the author

Ryan Niessen is a keynote speaker and co-creator of The Gateway Method: a simple, proven way to gain inside access to the world’s best employers and get your dream job. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Facebook.





Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert. You can learn more about expert posts here.


Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com

The post 3 Irresistible Resume Tweaks That Will Get You The Job appeared first on CAREEREALISM.

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14 Realities Of Working In A Restaurant

Going out to eat can be a good time - Unless you’re the one serving the food. Being in the restaurant industry can be tough. No one cares how many tables you have, how long your shift has been, how much you’ll have to clean up after their messy kids, or how rude they are actually being to you.

Well, we can sympathize. Here is a list of just a few of the things that people in the restaurant industry have to deal with on a daily basis.

(P.S. We’re launching a new show soon called “Careers on Tap” that will have you falling out of your office chair laughing. It’s going to be based around the crazy stories that people have from their jobs. You can read more about this great new show at the bottom of this post! )

14 Realities Of Working In A Restaurant

Can you relate to these realities of working a restaurant?

1. Putting on a happy face for a group of rude customers.

Source: giphy.com

2. Dealing with drunk people ALL. THE. TIME.

Source: giphy.com

Source: giphy.com

3. ‘Side work’ is the bane of your existence.

Even though your shift ends at 10pm, you’re there till 11pm or later doing side work that you loath - all while getting paid something to the tune of $2.35 an hour.

Source: giphy.com

Source: giphy.com

4. Being short on staff during a dinner rush.

Source: giphy.com

5. Having customers who send their order back for the littlest reason.

Source: giphy.com

Source: gihpy.com

6. Dealing with rowdy, messy kids.

Source: giphy.com

Source: giphy.com

7. Having a really high strung manager on duty.

Source: giphy.com

8. Getting an extremely complicated order with a thousand little questions/requests.

OK, it’s a little exaggerated, but still, seriously?

Source: giphy.com

Source: giphy.com

9. Running into other employees because everyone is always in a hurry.

Source: giphy.com

10. Going to ask a table how their food is while clearly interrupting a very personal conversation.

“Tom, I’m leaving you for your best frie…”

“How is your food?”

….Awkward much?

Source: giphy.com

11. Not having a consistent schedule.

Good luck trying to make plans more than a week in advance.

Source: giphy.com

12. Developing crazy awesome balancing skills.

“I’m only taking one trip!”

Source: giphy.com

13. Bad tippers are legit THE WORST!

Source: giphy.com

Source: giphy.com

14. Unfortunately, the customers are nearly always considered right.

Source: giphy.com

Submit Your Stories!

We’re launching a new show called Careers On Tap. The premise of the show is that J.T., our Founder and CEO, will be discussing with her humorous co host the crazy stories that viewers submit about their career. Then, she will give her advice on what might help the situation or how to better handle it next time. On top of all of this, you can drink a nice cold beer with them through out the whole show. There will be featured beers on each weeks show.

Now, this is where we need your help! We want you to tell us your craziest work stories. This whole process is completely anonymous. Your name, the names of your co-workers, boss, customers, and company will NEVER be mentioned. So, what have you got to lose!

Just to give you all a sense of what our topics will be, here is the list of the next few episodes:

- Retail Nightmares

- Food Industry Horror Stories

- Co-Workers: The Bad, The Worse, and The Down Right Obnoxious

- Clash Of The Personality Types

- Romancing The Office

If you’d like to submit, please fill out the form below with the title of your story, what episode you think it should be featured in, and all the juicy details of your awesome story.


  • Title of your story. *
  • Which episode should this story be featured in? *
    Co-Workers: The Bad, The Worse, and The Down Right ObnoxiousClash Of The Personality TypesRomancing The OfficeRetail NightmaresFood Industry Horror StoriesOther
  • Tell us your story! *



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Thank you for submitting and Cheers to your careers!


Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The post 14 Realities Of Working In A Restaurant appeared first on CAREEREALISM.

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Atmosphere Bistro Bar, Parkland Green

Atmosphere Bistro Bar

Atmosphere Bistro Bar at Parkland Green is a sports bar which also serves a mix of Asian and Western bistro food for dinner. The bistro is open for lunch on weekends. It offers a great view of East Coast Park and the sea beyond.

Atmosphere Bistro Bar Atmosphere Bistro has a small air-conditioned lounge. The main area is not walled up on three sides and there is no main entrance. You can just walk into the casual bistro and find your own table. A tablet serves as a digital menu as well as an ordering device. There is a water station where you can help yourself to ice water.

Atmosphere Bistro Bar

We went there for dinner and ordered a Creamy Mushroom Soup ($4.80), Mini Beef Burgers ($11.80) and Baby Back Ribs ($19.80). The soup was served almost immediately but we had to wait quite a while for the mains to come.

Atmosphere Bistro Bar Atmosphere Bistro Bar Atmosphere Bistro Bar

The soup was thick, creamy and very good. The 3 mini burgers with BBQ glazed patties had a nice zesty taste. The glazed Baby Back Ribs came in a generous portion with salad, coleslaw and fries. The ribs were meaty and tender but the Citrus BBQ sauce was not quite to our liking. The sauce did not enhance the flavour of the meat. The fries with sea salt was most enjoyable.

Atmosphere is first and foremost a sports bar. It is well equipped with TV screens and wall projector. It has an extensive drinks list - draught beer, bottled beer, frozen beer, liqueur, wine whiskey, cocktails etc. If you are neither a sports fan nor a closet alcoholic, there should still be enough options on Atmosphere’s menu to allow you to enjoy a visit to the breezy casual bistro by the park.

Atmosphere Bistro Bar


Food :3
Service : 2
Value : 3
Atmosphere : 3
Overall Rating : 3 TOPs
3 Tops

Atmosphere Bistro Bar
920 East Coast Parkway #01-25/26/27
Singapore 449875

Tel +65 6440 9705

Opening Hours:
Mon – Thu: 5:00 pm – 12:00 am
Fri: 5:00 pm – 1:00 am
Sat: 10:00 am – 2:00 am
Sun: 10:00 am – 1:00 am

Atmosphere menu


The Ordinary Patrons
Singapore Food Blog by Ordinary People looking for Places to Eat

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