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Career, General

9 Powerful Habits for Getting Important Things Done

Originally posted on TIME:

This post is in partnership with Inc., which offers useful advice, resources and insights to entrepreneurs and business owners. The article below was originally published at Inc.com.

We all know that sinking feeling. A deadline is drawing closer and you haven’t even started yet. You begin to panic and a dull nausea sets in. There is nothing worse than having two hours remaining to complete a project that you know will take more like five. You sit there saying to yourself, “Why didn’t I get this started yesterday?” or “What the heck happened to the time?”

Wouldn’t it be great to build the habits that will get you working on that project well before it is due so this never happens again? The good news is that by following these tips, you can be productive and get your most important projects and assignments done on time—every time.


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