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7 Office Wear Ideas & How To NOT Dress Boring To Work

Originally posted on Fashion Tag:

Modays. They’re the best of times, they’re the worst of times. Or maybe just the latter if you’re to pay any attention to all the facebook Monday hatred memes going around. Still, not all is lost on Mondays, cause alongside the blues and the weekend hangovers, we get to play with fashion and take style to work. Yay.

Please constrain your excitement. If our love for all sartorial things has taught us a valuable lesson it’s that this ‘passion for fashion’ blissful crap is both a gift as well as a nightmare. How many of you really wake up and start singing of joy cause it’s Monday, and use the extra hour before work to try on outfits with a smile on your face, only to finally, in an even more retard happy state of mind, pick a colorful posh combo to go with your Monday happiness? Yeah. I thought…

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