Originally posted on TIME:
Answer by Sarah Chen Lin on Quora.
Trust karma.
But when you do something good, be genuine and do it from your heart, not because you’re expecting something good to happen to you later. -
That one hour you spend talking to that pregnant teenage mother or that one hour bonding with that orphan might (just might) change the course of their lives more than you could ever imagine. -
Embrace your emotions (So long as you’re not hurting others).
We’re meant to feel happiness, fear, sorrow, anger, disappointment, jealousy, passion, love… the full spectrum. I believe it’s what makes us more humble, human, more accepting and patient. -
Count your blessings… Every. Single. Day.
Never take anything for granted. There’s always someone out there in circumstances far worse than yours. So stop pitying yourself, pick yourself up, and be the fighter you know you are. - Cherish every moment with loved…
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