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When You’re Dating your work colleague

Originally posted on God'spower excellence nwachukwu's Blog:

  1. Don’t bone at the office. Ever. Please.
    We are all very happy that you have found true love, and even happier and somehow more impressed that you found true love at the office, which feels like a hard thing to do. This is great! But do each and every one of your coworkers a favor and try to avoid having sex at the office. The thing about an office is that it’s shared space, the equivalent of a giant rabbit hutch that isn’t cleaned that often. Everyone is gross when they’re working. People’s keyboards are covered in a fine layer of seeds from their weekly bagel breakfasts and traces of Chipotle lunches linger on telephone handsets and computer mice. It’s not necessarily the filthiest place in the world, but it’s kind of gross, and more importantly, it’s a shared space. Don’t have sex in a shared space. Do that shit…

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