Being a new grad can be incredibly intimidating. It may be your first time you are looking to secure a full-time, 40 hour per week job with benefits and a salary. You may feel stressed out trying to find that first opportunity and once you do, you may feel stressed out about living up to the expectations of your new boss or employer. No matter how you look at it your first real job is going to be scary, but I do have some tips that I suggest new grads try to incorporate within their working lives for the various benefits they may create.
My 6 tips for new grads who are just entering the workforce:
1 Be a “Yes Man/Woman”
Be willing to take different things on, even if you haven’t done them before. If your boss says that they need something done, offer yourself up for it. It can be a great learning experience and you may differentiate yourself from the rest of your team by putting yourself out there. However, do this sparingly as you don’t want to always be the “go-to” person whenever somebody needs something. There is a fine balance between the two so focus on finding that.
2. Listen, There is A Lot to Learn From Your Colleagues
Listen to others in meetings and within general work conversation. You can learn a lot about the organization, pre-existing relationships, and other intricate details that may help you within your job and career. Never discount what you may be able to learn from those who have been in the organization for a substantial period of time either.
3. Ask Questions
Asking questions is the best way to learn certain details about your job and the organization. This relates to the previous tip, as you can learn a lot from others with asking the right questions. Learn about how things were done in the past and why they are done the way they are now to gain a better understanding of the role, team, and department you are in.
4. Speak Up When Asked For Your Thoughts & Ideas
If you are in a meeting and your boss is asking for your thoughts and ideas on a subject or project, don’t be afraid to share them even if you are unsure. Speaking up is better than just sitting there quietly. Co-workers will also start to respect you for putting yourself out there and taking a chance as a new member of the team.
5. Always Be Punctual
Being late can result in you not being taken seriously and have potential job security ramifications, such as receiving warnings and potential further punishment. Make sure you are always 5 minutes early for work, and always be a couple of minutes early for meetings or any training sessions. It shows you are serious about your job and that you care; people will notice this.
6. Build Relationships
In a previous article I wrote, I talked about how important building relationships is to succeeding within your career. This is no different as a new grad. Try to build relationships with a large amount of people at work, not just those in your department as you never know when those relationships may be useful or beneficial to you.
Do you have any tips for new grads? Leave a comment below and share them if so!
from Interview Knowledge
Thanks for the re-blog again! :)
No problem at all! Cheers!