
Archive for October 8, 2014

The Assembly Ground.

Originally posted on Corner of My Mind.:

Considering that I am constantly near the city areas such as Bugis, City Hall and Dhoby Ghaut, I definitely made a point to check out this relatively new cafe at The Cathay.

It is always good to explore new chill out places within the heart of the city especially when you have appointments with awkward six hour gaps in between them. Of course there is always the National Library Building, but sometimes it can get quite filled and sitting on the floor may not be an option when the librarians constantly try to shoo you away.

Spacious, nicely decorated and with friendly staff, this is a lovely place to spend time at whether you are with a group of friends or on your own. They serve brunch as well as dinner, together with an entire list of sides for you to choose from.

Most cafes in Singapore serve the same…

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Three Petits Croissants At SOTA

Originally posted on NAHMJ:

I was waiting eagerly for Three Petits Croissants to start its operation. I noticed it since it was renovation in progress. Finally, the wait is over.


The cafe space is pretty huge. There are bar like tables and chairs in the centre and normal dining tables on the side of these high furniture. There are some sofa seats place right beside the entrance. The decoration looks like a modern theme which is sleek and simple.

Three Petits Croissants featured French pastries. The offerings is very much like Paul and abc but lacking of the sweet pastries and cakes (at least, it wasn’t available except for the Pear Tart when I visited them).

My initial plan was to have a take away but I changed my mind. I have a cappuccino and a Lemon Financier for a trial. I hardly have Financier so I don’t know if this is the…

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Three Years In A Balloon At Upper Paya Lebar

Originally posted on NAHMJ:

The name, Three Years In A Balloon sounded with lota fantasy, magical and mystics. It sounded more like a novel, such as Wizard of Oz than a cafe. I was attracted by the name to find out more. It is very easy to find spot the cafe as it is right behind a bus stop.

The people behind Three Years In a Balloon was from Wimbly Lu. This cafe specialises in beautifully customised decorative cakes. Like Little Wimbly Lu, it does not have mains but only desserts; cakes, ice cream and waffles. For the menu, click here.

On the Exterior Wall

The cafe devoted at least two third of the space to the kitchen for bakes and the remaining for dine in. The dinning tables were lined by the side, in a straight line. The chairs were very much mixed and match.

Since it was after lunch that I…

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Two Bakers @ Jalan Besar, Delish Pastries & Cakes

Originally posted on NAHMJ:

Two Bakers newly opened their door at 88 Horne Road. While still having their soft launched, I couldn’t wait longer to try their pretty looking pastries and cakes. Through their facebook, I know that they are opened on Monday, holiday in lieu of Hari Raya Haji and I went down with my mom for brunch. It was also the worse hazy day in 2014. What a day?!


There was a little vintage theme with a featured wall of tiles that contributed to the element and some industrial element, cemented floor. The tables and chairs were some simple wooden with metal frame furniture. There are a mixture of high tables and chairs, normal dining height tables for small group and a communal table right at the back of the cafe.

Soft Launched Menu

There was only a menu written on the wall for all to glance. I guess, that’s because…

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Mean Bean and Wicked Grind @ The Plaza on Beach Road

Originally posted on NAHMJ:

I was craving for cakes and at the same time feel like having a cuppa and I thought of Mean Bean and Wicked Grind at the Plaza on Beach Road so I hopped over to see how it is like.


It was not difficult to locate it though it is quietly nestled in a corner of the building. The cafe is very nicely decorated, with a string of photo on one side of the wall, some accessories placed throughout the cafe, giving a homely, cosy feel. There isn’t much seats in the shop space. There are some high chairs by the red bricked wall and a few simple table and chairs for twos just outside the cafe.

When I was there, they were almost sold out, with sparingly a few pieces of cakes and tarts. However, I still managed to find something I like. I ordered a Earl Grey…

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15 Tiny Tweaks for an Instant Health Makeover

Originally posted on TIME:

This post originally appeared on Refinery29.com.

It always struck me as slightly odd that we make health resolutions in January. Sure, a new year is a theoretical blank slate — and our holiday habits provide us with ample inspiration for things we’d very much like to change about the way we treat our bodies. And, it helps that everyone around us is making the same resolutions (which, coincidentally, are identical to the ones we made the year before).

But, I’d like to argue that there’s something fundamentally wrong with the New Year’s Resolution model: We set ourselves up to fail by committing to massive life changes in the middle of winter. Environmental factors contribute to a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms, such as lower energy and decreased motivation, that undermine even our best efforts in the colder months. Sure, we’d all like to eat cleaner and…

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4 Surprising Ways to Be More Focused At Work

Originally posted on TIME:

We’ve all been there. That time in the afternoon when you just can’t seem to focus, not because of a lack of stuff to do, but because your mind keeps wandering to things you could do to procrastinate. Maybe you take some time to check Facebook and Instagram on your phone. Or maybe you’ve been watching a few World Cup games behind your privacy screen (yea, that’s happened). And you might even do some Internet browsing to catch up on what’s been happening around the world.

It’s no secret that these things probably won’t help you with your productivity. But what if we told you that there were some sites that would help energize you, or that taking a social media break was good for keeping you motivated during the day? Here are four ways to help boost your productivity at work.

1. Do some busywork

Most of us complain…

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Q4 Hiring Trends You Need To Know About In Singapore And Hong Kong

Nicky Loh/Bloomberg via Getty Images

An employee works inside the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. (OCBC) bank branch at OCBC Centre in Singapore.

By Simon Mortlock

It’s the start of the fourth quarter and recruitment has temporarily ground to a halt in Asia’s financial hubs.

There’s a long weekend coming up in Singapore and the continuing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong that caused banks to postpone interviews earlier this week were followed by public holidays on Wednesday and Thursday.

But when the holidays are over, what might the rest of Q4 – traditionally a slow period for recruitment – have in store if you’re a job seeker? Here are some of the key trends affecting hiring in Singapore and Hong Kong.

According to George McFerran, Global Sales and Marketing Director at eFinancialCareers: “Hiring is known to slow down at this time of year, in Singapore it may look quiet but behind the scenes there is significant activity going on.”

He added: “Now is the time to start the ball rolling to ensure the job market doesn’t leave you behind. In today’s competitive hiring environment it’s all about actively managing your career.”

Redundancy discussions are already taking place

If you suspect that your (under) performance this year leaves you vulnerable to redundancy, start researching other opportunities and speaking to recruiters now. Don’t wait until later in the quarter – your line manager isn’t. “Banks in Asia this year are already beginning to have internal conversations to see who is going to be made redundant before bonus time,” says Rahul Sen, a director at search firm Sheffield Haworth in Singapore.

Asian banks are more likely to hire you

Bulge bracket banks typically reduce their recruitment towards the end of the year as they gear up for the busier post-bonus period beginning in Q1. Recent announcements of large-scale hiring have largely come from regional players in Singapore. Maybank is bulking up in private banking, while Mizuho is hiring in the middle-office and in treasury, project finance, structured finance, syndication and advisory. DBS and UOB continue to recruit in transaction banking.

…unless you’re a student

It’s the global banks that are currently inundated with graduate and internship applications. The closing dates for most 2015 full-time and summer analyst programmes in Asia are concentrated in October and November, as our deadline guide explains.

Sign-ons are still happening

While banks in Asia have been keeping a tight rein on recruitment costs this year, this isn’t leading them to ban sign-on bonuses, the payments made to compensate candidates hired late in the year for accrued bonuses. If you sense a vacancy requires filling urgently, employers shouldn’t raise any eyebrows if you try to negotiate a sign-on, says Adrian Choo, a partner at Boyden Global Executive Search in Singapore.

RM recruitment is rumbling on

The seemingly insatiable demand for relationship managers in both Singapore and Hong Kong (we’ve discussed this here, here and here) will not diminish over the next three months. “In the front-office, they will be the most sought-after people across private banking and corporate banking,” says Eunice Ng, general manager at Hong Kong search firm Avanza Consulting.

Recruiters remain elusive

In the quietest of all quarters for their businesses, you’d think agency recruiters would be gagging to meet you – not so. As we noted earlier this week, banks in Singapore and Hong Kong are putting more pressure on recruiters to streamline the hiring process and only forward them exceptional candidates. So if your skills aren’t an exact fit for the vacancy, chances are that recruiters won’t want to see you – but there are exceptions…

You can escape the Big Four

Some career changes are still possible. In particular, recruiters are interested in Big Four accountants who want to move to the banking sector to plug talent gaps in functions like internal audit and regulatory accounting. As bonuses are comparatively low at the accounting firms, banks don’t mind poaching from them in Q4.

This article first appeared on eFinancialCareers.

The post Q4 Hiring Trends You Need To Know About In Singapore And Hong Kong appeared first on Business Insider.

from Business Insider » Careers http://ift.tt/1BQuCUF

On Friday, I Quit Google – Here’s Why

This isn’t the first time I quit my job, but it will be the last. Honestly, saying goodbye to Google was supposed to happen a year ago. And six months before that. If you ask my friends, they’ll tell you that I’m kidding myself and Google is too good to let go. They’re right, but I promise you that this is it. On October 3rd, I quit.

QUIZ: Should You Quit Your Job?

Is Google all it’s cracked up to be? No. It’s better.

The grass is greenest at the Googleplex, and I don’t have to bore you with the perks because they’ve been documented ad nauseum. I’m willing to bet my stock that no company treats their employees better, but it comes at a cost. My frat brother said something once that stuck with me, “The grass may be greener, but you better believe the water bill is a lot higher!”

He was right.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m dealing with first world problems, but they’re problems nonetheless. The challenge with Google, and any great company, is complacency. You sacrifice tomorrow’s potential for today’s pleasure.

Yes, I’m too comfortable (free food and personal masseuses, anyone?)

And life is too convenient (chauffeured shuttles with Wi-Fi to work? Yes please!)

But we’re too young to settle.

Be honest: do you love what you do? Probably not because most of us don’t enjoy our 9-to-5. I started on Wall Street and when I tell you I hated life, I HATED LIFE. Anyone that says they enjoy the long hours and indentured servitude that investment banking brings is lying to you.

Then again, we lie to ourselves everyday. The idea that you and I were meant to sit and stare at a computer screen all day is just wrong. But the road to what’s right is remote.

Here’s what it takes to quit your high paying job in pursuit of your dreams in a city as expensive as New York: ditching dinner with friends, lots of cheap beer, saving more than you spend, building a business on the side, five hours of sleep a night, no vacations, missing family functions, skipping weekend weddings, moving from Manhattan - and dating? No time, and couldn’t afford it anyways.

Who wants to do all that?

Who wants to give so much not knowing what they’ll get??

Who wants to sacrifice everything for the slim chance they could have anything???

Not me, but what I want doesn’t matter. To get this far I learned that there’s a difference between want and need. The secret? Self-control.

Building my blog has been my dream, and it’s taken more than a days work. It’s taken a few years to be in a position to leave my day job and I’ve been willing to wait.

“If you can wait and not be tired by waiting” ~Rudyard Kipling

Today’s timing isn’t perfect, and it never will be. You will always need more money and a perfect plan is hard to come by. What I know now is that today will never be the right time to lose the weight, start that business or find a new job. Neither will tomorrow.

Delays cast doubt, and you wind up disputing if it even makes sense to begin.


Make moves.

The reason why is simple: you are the CEO of your life. The decisions you make today will set the course of things to come. Do something today that will pay dividends down the road. I read once that you should do one thing every day that scares you. I can’t remember the last time I pushed past my limits.

What I know now is that you’ll never reach your potential until you assume some level of risk.

It doesn’t have to be your job, but leave something behind starting today. Stop settling for what’s good enough and make room for what’s great.

In time, what will you give up?

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turtix / Shutterstock.com

The post On Friday, I Quit Google - Here’s Why appeared first on CAREEREALISM.

from CAREEREALISM http://ift.tt/1uzQZxm

How To Find Clients As A Freelancer

After years and years working for other people, you’ve decided that you want to call the shots and be your own boss. After all, at this stage of your career (and life), being a freelancer would not only give you a more flexible schedule, but better work-life balance, too.

Related: How To Determine Your Niche As A Freelancer

But just because you’re ready to start your freelance career doesn’t mean that you’re going to have a steady supply of clients right away. Here’s how to find clients as a freelancer.

Use your network.

The easiest place to find future clients is by starting with who you know. Let your friends and family know that you’re making a-go of a freelancing career and could really use their help launching your business. Let them know specifically what services you offer so that they can provide quality leads for you. You should also connect with previous employers and former clients, all of whom might be able to refer you to prospective customers.

Utilize specific job boards.

You know that you want to freelance. So it makes sense to peruse job postings on websites that feature the types of jobs you really want. Sites such as FlexJobs or other freelance niche sites can help you keep your job search tailored for what you want without having to weed through what you don’t want.

Join a team.

The whole point of becoming a freelancer was so that you could be your own boss and work alone. So why would you want to work with other freelancers (and frankly, those who could be perceived as potential competitors)? Well, teaming up with other freelancers like yourself offers many advantages.

For starters, you can learn how they structured their businesses and find their clients. Also, knowing other freelancers can help boost your own business, especially if they are swamped with work and willing to pass along paid projects to you. Similarly, if you team up with other freelancers whose services compliment your own (i.e., a graphic designer teaming up with a writer), you can greatly improve your chances of finding clients and getting extra gigs.

Get legitimate.

Move over, business cards. The best way to spread the word about your business today is by having a website. Even if you’re not web savvy, there are many ways to get your website live in no time. From hosting sites to free website templates, there’s really no reason why you can’t have a polished website without having to pay a pretty penny for it. Having a site not only shows that you’re professional, but it also can showcase your previous work to potential clients.

Perfect your pitch.

Sure, it’s important to try to find clients all over the country (and the globe) when you’re looking to launch your biz. But don’t forget about local businesses, either. Before setting out to connect with local businesses, you should study up on what they do, and most importantly, what you can offer them. That way, you can have a steady stream of local, national, and international clients to round out your clientele list—and ensure a steady stream of income, too.

Once you decide that you want to have a freelance career, it’s important to be strategic about finding clients and freelance jobs. That way, you can experience success as a freelancer and have the work-life balance you need, too.

This is a guest post.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The post How To Find Clients As A Freelancer appeared first on CAREEREALISM.

from CAREEREALISM http://ift.tt/1pONYDX

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