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How You Can Stop Email From Taking Over Your Life

Originally posted on TIME:

We send, and receive, a lot of email.

Via The Tyranny of E-Mail:

“In 2007, 35 trillion messages shot back and forth between the world’s 1 billion PC’s; in the time it took you to read this point, some 300 million e-mails were sent and received.”

“In 2006, one study found that the average U.S. office worker was interrupted eleven times an hour. The cost of these interruptions, in which e-mail plays a large role, runs close to $600 billion in the United States alone.

“…in 2006, it was discovered that Americans spent more than half of their life connected to various forms of media. This means we spend more time engaged in media than we do sleeping, more hours plugged in than we log at work. We work in order to have time to watch. We spend more time with our computers than our spouses.”


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One thought on “How You Can Stop Email From Taking Over Your Life

  1. This is such a valuable article! There are so many pros and cons with email that sometimes it can feel overwhelming and not as useful as it can be. However, I find with proper email management it can regain its usefulness and proper place in the workplace.


    Posted by Interview Knowledge | September 22, 2014, 6:20 am

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